
Showing posts from January, 2010

youLOVE: MILF in the running...

iLOVE: housekeeping

Week 3 DLS Exercise: Sensitivity (ISO)

Chicks Who Click (and a few brave boys) PROP SWAP March 7, 2010

spreadLOVE: fundraisers for Haiti earthquake relief

Chicks Who Click (and a few brave boys) gathering February 7, 2010

Can of Worms: quantity v. quality - a challenge

Week 2 DLS Exercise: Depth of Field

bellyLOVE: beautiful light, beautiful love, beautiful friends

meLOVE: letting go

me(gusta)LOVE: a Spanish lesson to share

Can of Worms: facebook photography price fixing groups FAIL

Week One DLS Exercise: manual focus

tubeLOVE: Veggie Tales - RAWK ON!!!

youLOVE: something new, something fun for 2010!

Chicks Who Click (and a few brave boys) gathering January 10, 2010

iLOVE: Lhasa de Sela

iLOVE: youtube HAHAHA!!!

meLOVE: ringing the New Year in, Hope style!

festiveLOVE: Happy 2010! ¡Prospero año!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.