
Showing posts from June, 2007

can of worms: ninjas vs pirates at a wedding

mom, sometimes I just don't feel fresh...

horsey sense

bugs in the garden



LWCA group formals

soft, ordinary underbelly


Happy 25th Anniversary

a terrible day in the world of man-soaps

can of worms: same-sex unions

MOM Magazine pre-launch party

grad: Living Waters Christian Academy

days are getting shorter already

happy solstice!

fun with tripods and electrical storms

all's quiet on the blog front

Mother's Day Relay for Life Photobooth Event - UPDATE!

prose: ode to Bill

Cuban night Chez Walls

a little visitor

insurance woes

death from circumcision

thoughts on internettiquette

an exercise in determining perspective: pretty


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.