Oh, it was so pretty...

Way back in September I did a whole thwack of pictures at the U of A campus. I really needed some warm ,pretty colours to warm me up after today's sub-zero shenanigans!

This little turkey is walking now - Mom & Dad sure have their work cut out for them now!!!

The monkey below was actually the monkey boy whose last experience of me landed him on his head (literally!) and so this time I was SUPER stoked to get this amazing shot of him.  Couldn't you eat him!?!?  Yikes!

(and my Christmas card from these guys told me there's another family member on the way... Woot woot!)

Ah, what can I say about this kid?  His Mom brought him to me approximately a million years ago and I've had a photographer crush on him every since.  J-poop, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

J-poop's little brother is still getting to know me... he likes me a lot better now than he did when he was two, so that's progress...

And Mom?  Well, I love her to bits.  That is all.

The W family is finally complete - they added a little brother to their brood just a few weeks ago!

Which is too bad, because they could make a million babies and they'd all be this adorable...  guess I'll have to settle for 4...

And these guys.  ~sigh~ What can I say?  I've watched the D family boys growing up for maybe a bazillion centuries now. 

 I still remember both of these adorable little boys when they were small enough to fit in my little brown suitcase.

Families this gorgeous should be outlawed.

And last but certainly not least, the blondest children in my repertoire.  These munchkins are the sweetest kids, full of giggles and goofiness and genuine affection for each other.  

Thanks for bringing them to me, Mom & Dad - I love watching how much they have grown and how much their little personalities have developed and changed over the years.

muchLOVE to you ALL!




Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.