
OK - all you people out there who have the same issue that I do being a canuck but not having access to a canuck photo processing site like Pictage or SmugMug... the answer to our prayers is here! Go sign up. NOW.


Cathy said…
Have you tried them Hope??
Hope Walls said…
In the process right now. The beautiful thing is that because they are a new company, they are in the process of building the site and the features which means that if the quality isn't up to snuff yet, it will be very soon. This isn't a new company - they've been around for a bit and the owner is a tog himself who developed the platform for his own event coverage use (marathons and such) and started extending the service to other togs. So far the feedback I've read from current users is all extremely positive, and the chatter in the development forum shows that they are really geared towards making sure that the system is user-friendly and value-added for pros. I'll be ordering my first set of test prints and a canvas in the next week or two so I can give a first-hand review, but I have a really good feeling about this. YAY CANUCKS!!!!
Cathy said…
Awesome, because I have been looking high and low for something local and Canadian. Trying to do this will all parts of my business.

Can you please let me know what your tests/canvas look like pretty please!!


Hope Walls said…
I certainly will!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.