meLOVE: bring it. SO excited!
[pho·tog·ra·phi'lan·thro·py]™ (v) 1.) an act to promote human welfare wherein photographers provide affordable or gratis services to service organizations, events, or individuals in need without any focus on self-promotion. 2.) photographic assistance received by service organizations, events, or individuals in need without any requirement to invest in, promote, or endorse the photographer(s). (photographilanthropic – of or pertaining to acts of photographilanthropy and; photographilanthropist – one who provides photographilanthropic services)
While the main website (and new SUPERblog) is under construction, it's hard for me to contain my excitement over this. I thought I'd give everyone a heads-up on what photographilanthropy™ is and is not.
Photographilanthropy™ IS NOT intended to heighten the commercial profile, elevate a goodwill appearance, endorse, condemn, raise funds, increase traffic, blacklist, or extol the virtues of specific organisations, individuals, or events to the extent where the cause itself becomes secondary to intentional self-promotion. It's not about award-winning photojournalism or portraiture or images of endangered wildlife. It's not about winning a contest, being a feature photographer, or getting a mention in the opening credits. Participation will not lead to fame, fortune, or expansion of your portfolio. In short, photographilanthropy™ is not about YOU.
Photographilanthropy IS intended to alert photographers, individuals and families in need, service organisations, and events planners to the provision free or affordable photography services in support of promoting social welfare in the broadest possible sense. It is people in need of giving being connected to people in need of receiving. Photographilanthropy™ is the difference between handing over a giant foam cheque shaking hands with a dignitary so you can get your picture in the paper vs. snapping a picture of an elderly couple holding hands in the park and giving them a print just because, and never telling a soul you did it. In short, photographilanthropy™ is a grassroots movement equivalent to random acts of photography kindness.
image[in] - get in the picture.