...and to sum up...

I spoke last nice to a wonderful and warm group of women at the WISE seminar, and figured I'd post a little summary of the presentation for their (and subsequently your) use and enjoyment. (Sorry, you don't get the visuals - you have to come to a seminar or workshop to see those MUAH hahahaha!)

DLS Myth Busters
10 of the dirtiest little secrets
(about photography)


Myth: You need fancy expensive equipment to take good pictures.

Fact: Owning fancy expensive equipment doesn’t make you an expert photographer any more than owning a fancy expensive piano makes you a concert pianist.


Myth: Knowing how to compose a good picture takes years of education.

Fact: Any person can compose great pictures using any camera employing one simple tried and true rule, and knowing when, why, and how to break that rule.

(Understand the Rule of 3rds, and whether you’re employing or breaking it. Either way is OK as long as it’s a conscious choice.)


Myth: You have to buy Photoshop.

Fact: Picasa is free software that will allow you to do B&W and sepia conversions, sharpen pictures, adjust saturation, crop, and much, much more; for about $100 you can purchase Adobe Elements which in addition to all of Picasa’s goodies will give you the power to zap zits, make collages, and work with layers.


Myth: Taking pictures is easy – you just point and shoot.

Fact: Taking a great picture requires photographer participation. Changing your perspective is often all it takes to make an average picture more interesting or help you tell your story.


Myth: I don’t know the right way to take pictures.

Fact: Since there’s no accounting for taste, there is no ‘correct’ way to compose, expose, crop, process, or print pictures. What’s underexposed and crooked to one person is merely high-contrast and angular to another.


Myth: Pictures that have blur, grain, and/or lens flare are bad.

Fact: Blur, grain, and flare can often add energy, depth, and feeling to a picture. Learn to love the blur, embrace the grain, and celebrate the flare.


Myth: Horizons should be horizontal.

Fact: Horsepoop.


Myth: My camera takes bad pictures.

Fact: A camera is only as good as its operator. Read your manual and learn what all those knobs, buttons and dials are for. If you need a visual, digital pictures are free – take lots and delete what doesn’t work. Make notes for the next time so your camera will do what you want it to the first time, or at least you’ll know how to change the settings to fix it.


Myth: The best way to make people look like they’re smiling is to make them say CHEESE.

Fact: The best way to make people look like they’re smiling is actually to just make them smile, even if that means you ask them to fake laugh until they crack up, put crab apples up your nose, or pretend to fart. Otherwise, they just look like they are saying CHEESE.


Myth: I look horrible in pictures.

Fact: Someone loves you enough to not give a hoot about your zits, your fat, your grey hair, your wardrobe, your crooked smile, your yellow teeth, or your wrinkles. What we tend to see when we look at ourselves in pictures are the things we hate; when your children, friends, and family look at your picture, they only see what they love: YOU.

Now, go take some good pictures with your OWN camera. (Be sure and jump in at least a couple of them!)


PixelPie said…
THIS made me happy. I love this list.
What a perfect revelation to all those myths. Luv it.


hehe. That just made me giggle.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.