myLOVE: a weekend in the woods

We spent the entire weekend out at the cabin. We did some work (moved in the princess furniture, reorganized and rearranged things to accommodate our crap, hauled the lifejackets and paddles to the shed...) but mostly we concentrated on hanging out. Cribbage, crocheting and embroidering, and of course a big turkey dinner with in-from-town guests. The weather was perfect, the company was fine, the walks were refreshing, the air was brisk, and the sleep was incredible. I really didn't want to come home this afternoon and have started the countdown to the next visit already...


Lynda said…
Great pics!!! Nice to see everyone looking so relaxed....
Cool pics!! Looks so homely and a great get away!!
fmartell2 said…
The feeling I get from those pictures, is the same feeling I get when I am at my mom's!
Makes me all warm and fuzzy! What a great bond this will be for your family and a great way to get away from it all. Where is it ?
Hope Walls said…
About an hour west of Edmonton and I'm seriously in love with it; there is a countdown on every time we return to Edmonton now.... lol
PixelPie said…
So I'm seriously disappointed that there isn't a family picture in the canoe. I had my heart set on toques, mitts and paddles. ;0)


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.