noLOVE: google me
I find it humourous, really, how many people are astonished how life could possibly go on without Facebook. The makers are brilliant - kudos to them - but the fact that people cannot imagine life without that kind of connectivity makes me a little squeamish. What makes me even more squeamish is how personally people have taken it that they aren't on my Facebook friends list anymore - I've gotten no less than 10 emails asking me if I'm angry with them.
This is the sad but true nature of Facebook. It's a brilliant network. In fact, so brilliant it has changed the way people communicate as much as the phone and then email did. One convenient location to network your friends, your family, your business... support causes, advertise services, organize events... and then before you know it your whole life revolves around Facebook. Since when do I care whose cellular carrier is on the fritz or whose cat pooped in the neighbour's flower bed? Did it ever really cross my mind before to wonder who is ready for bed? Should I be concerned about what people are eating for dinner? And am I the only one who finds it weird that people post mobile messages like, "I'm sitting in a restaurant having a romantic dinner with my husband"? With a multitude of other platforms (blogger, twitter, email, telephones, etc.) for staying in touch, why do I need all my eggs in the Facebook basket?
I've been enjoying visiting blogs again and exchanging emails that are more meaningful and engaging than giving a thumbs-up or posting a 5-word comment, having entire written conversations that employ sentences and punctuation. What can I say - brevity's never been my strong suit and keeping connected in 3-word soundbites on Facebook was sucking my will to live. It's been almost 2 weeks since I made the break. I'll never say never, but for now I'm thoroughly enjoying being blissfully disconnected. I figure if it's really important for someone to get a hold of me, they'll google me.
I, myself would NEVER post that I was on a hot date right in the middle of it, come on!!
Kudos to you, Hope!!