newLOVE: spending time with a shooting star

A Poem for Baby R.

a star sometimes comes just to wish upon
no sooner beheld than to be gone
too wondrous, too precious, too rare to seek
too brilliant, too burning, too quick to keep
sweeping the heavens with a graceful arc
they rob sad corners of all their dark
then quietly flicker off into the night
and leave in our hearts an eternal light

Thank you, R., for being my star today.

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kerjay said…
So beautiful Hope! But so sad. What a great thing to do for a grieving family. My thoughts are with them.
Allyson said…
What a terrible heartbreak for the family. Words aren't enough that's for sure. What a gift you offer these families. Bless you and all the others who provide this wonderful service to them. xx
Jordan said…
thanks for doing this Hope...

fmartell2 said…
You are such an amazing woman.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.