Can of Worms: Farrah Fawcett dies

Does it bother anyone else that the National Post dedicated 5 pages to Michael Jackson's death, but Farrah Fawcett garnered not even a third of a single column?


Deanna said…
I think its pretty dumb, she was just as much of an icon as he was!
kate said…
It certainly bothers me and makes me think of the deaths of Mother Teresa and Princess Diana... I'm thankful that atleast their lives were both honored.
Tanya said…
Truly sad.
Tanya said…
Unrelated I have joined the picasa world so that I can more easily share my photo's, and have blogged my NCF photo's just for you. ;)
It pissed me off a ton !! And it has been days later and they still won't shut up about him ! Grrrrrr


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.