Some of you know this, but for those who don't, I used to run a dayhome. I've known these two handsome little boys since little N. was in diapers (he starts kindergarten this year) and Mr. C. still had pee accidents at the park (now he breaks bones when he has accidents...)

Mom decided to participate in the Balding for Dollars marathon in support of the BC Children's hospital in Vancouver, and wanted to get a few snaps of the family (and herself) before she shaved it all off.
Mom's one of those hatefully photogenic people. Makes my job very easy.

And it's easy to make good lookin' boys like these two with good genes - between Mom and Dad I think these boys are going to be little heartbreakers.

For now, though, they seem to be doing a fine job of just being cute little boys.

Congratulations on your marathon run Mama J. - and for whatever it's worth, you make bald sexy...