myLOVE: eight is enough

We went out for dinner this evening, me on a high from my apparent epiphany, to celebrate Miss Madisyn's birthday. Today, she is eight. And I think, Whoa - sh*t - EIGHT? Wha? Seriously, when did that happen? As she sat there on the bench across from me it hit me as it all too frequently does that our kids are growing up, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Our bizarre little communal family. There was Wil, eating ribs and talking about which high school he's going to attend next year. Kaelan, being Kaelan, eternally chatty and in dire need of gum or a diaper or something to curb or control the verbal geek diarrhea. Mads looking decidedly not like the chubby-cheeked blue-eyed baby I met some 7 or so years ago but like a young girl.  And Serejane, who just graduated to getting invited to Big Girl Birthday Parties - you know, the ones where you can

Drop The Children Off 
Come Back Later to Pick Them Up. 

(Yes, I know - we totally stayed on and crashed the birthday party but honestly - we were at the zoo - by the time we drove home it'd have been time to drive back already...)

I'm crushed.  Eight is enough. Madisyn can stop right now. So can Wil and Kaelan and Serejane. As much as it's right to celebrate the milestones while they are growing up, I can't help but think, make it stop - what will I do when my children are gone?

Happy Fooy, Mads.





Hard to believe for me as well :)
fmartell2 said…
But I kind sort of believe it, because Gabe is 8 as well....
Wasn't it just last year that you were at my house, pregnant with Serejane, Mikael a baby, and Gabriel running around with Mads
I wish both your babies and my babies would stop growing.
Hope Walls said…
But if they stop growing how will they give us grandbabies?
Being that my baby turned three yesterday, I totally know where you're coming from. It's amazing how joy and heartache can go hand in hand. He's only THREE and the thought of EVER having to let go crushes me.

(hopefully I'll manage to not become the overbearing and obnoxious Mother and ruin him for his future loves lol)

Hang in there Hope...the grandbabies will be our saving grace ;)


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.