Carol of Carol Kerfoot Photography (yes, this is the same lady who imspired the spring poop post) sent along this delicious sweet(heart) featuring her deslicious sweethearts M & T - I want to eat them!!!
Its all full of love. Love for my Hope. I asked them how we can make a heart full of love and they said with bodies there you go. ( BTW I am well aware of the bad focus, lighting, grain and everything else! lol) It was right before bed in the dark of the bedroom floor with no flash just high ISO) had to add that in....
Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.
( BTW I am well aware of the bad focus, lighting, grain and everything else! lol) It was right before bed in the dark of the bedroom floor with no flash just high ISO) had to add that in....