
Showing posts from March, 2009

can of worms: ripping open an old wound?

myLOVE: a Tuesday with the Walls

tubeLOVE: thank you Laura Jane!

youLOVE: a few more pin-ups to share

planetLOVE: happy Earth Hour!

planetLOVE: cedar waxwings

myLOVE: the milkshakes and fries at Zellers

myLOVE: have your pets spayed or neutered!

tubeLOVE: for Pincessteffer

tubeLOVE: myLOVE

Exercises: week of March 23, 2009

togetherLOVE: they're all getting so BIG!!!

tubeLOVE: so maybe I don't like cute

tubeLOVE: the Bird and the Bee

funLOVE: Kate's heart

weirdLOVE: holy sheep!

funLOVE: Leanne's heart

funLOVE: Carol's heart

myLOVE: spring is sprung!!!

funLOVE: Sherry's heart

funLOVE: Trina's heart

funLOVE: Princesstefer's heart

funLOVE: Laura's heart

funLOVE: Cathys' heart


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.