Hope and Bill's Dominican Adventure January 2009: Day 2

Day two we woke up to beautiful sunshine.  Despite our very late night, we woke up fairly bright and early and went to explore the resort.  As we were waiting for some of the other guests to arrive on Thursday, we stayed at the resort for the whole day, wandering about and managing to only randomly run into a few people from our group.  In retrospect, it was a waste of a day.  Bill and I had contemplated bringing our bikes, and it would have been a perfect day for going off exploring.  However, we did manage to amuse ourselves enough to have a pleasant day, and get an early bedtime for our whale-watching excursion on Day Three...  stay tuned...


kate said…
Looks like you had an amazing time... can't wait to see more!
kate said…
... and great footography
Keep the pictures coming! I love it!
fmartell2 said…
I am so jealous!!
Looks like you and Bill were really enjoying yourselves.
FUN FUN FUN !!! I almost cried when I saw the picture of Bill with his first palm tree.

I cried when I saw my first palm tree... emotional ( I know).. but it was a big deal at the time !!!

Yayyyyy Bill !


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.