sleeping beauty

Little Miss G wasn't in the mood for pictures much. Nope, not really... she was mostly interested in following up her late afternoon nap with an early evening nap, and so we worked with her schedule as best as we could. Big sister A was all smiles, though - and even had a game or two of peek-a-boo for me - YAY! Thanks for letting me come and make your baby cranky, J & C!!!


The last photo with both girls is precious! Big sister looks so happy with her little sister. So much love caught in one moment! Too bad they'll probably scrap like dueling divas in a couple of years. LOL
Tanya said…
A & G are so cute in that last photo. You can just see the adoration in A's eyes.
kate said…
very sweet.
Carol Kerfoot said…
I know you are busy but just wanted to say I miss you.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.