
#1) This weekend's workshops are postponed until June 22, 2008, location TBA.
#2) The final project on the 15th has been postponed until we have a chance to figure out what that's going to be...
#3) Kathleen Swanson of Heart & Soul Photography has agreed to give us a tour of her home studio.  Date and cost will be announced once we have a few dates chosen.
#4) The 80's glam shoot needs to be scheduled.  I'm thinking mid-July would work?
#5) The Travelling Suitcase needs to be picked up - who wants to go first?


Amanda said…
I'm so looking forward to the tour Hope. As you already know I've got a couple things I'd like to check out. Now with everything going on take the next while to focus on other things that don't concern us!
Rebecca McKay said…
I feel so behind in the times...what the 80s glam shoot? Wasn't I listening? lol.
That tour sounds awesome. Um, slight problem, I'm due mid July...haha!But I will be there if there is no baby yet!
I would love the suitcase if no one else has spoken for it first! I have a session coming up in June that would be perfect for it.

I can't wait for the 80's glam shoot.
Amy said…
I thought that I already replied to this.....guess I didn't post it. I will take the suitcase after Christine...since we are both in Leduc.
Can't wait for the Photoshop/breaking all the rules workshop....80's shoot too!
Christine Hopaluk said…
Hope, my schedule is crazy lately so I probably won't be able to see you until the next workshop on the 22nd. If someone else in the group can use the suitcases before then, then I'll use it another time.

Hope Walls said…
I think Amy is supposed to be grabbing them. I'll check and let everyone know...


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.