three down, five to go

We managed to get three baskets emptied last night. We all gathered around in the living room and participated in the ritual. "This is kind of fun, Mama," my one boy said. It was like unearthing forgotten treasures, like the water bottle he'd thought he had lost and a host of oddities such as flints for a Zippo, some Sculpy cars made by the oldest boy about 8 years ago, a whole poopload of tacks, and a collection of expired credit cards.

The goal was only one per night. The baskets we managed to tackle were pretty easy ones. The ones coming up may be a bit more treacherous - they contain a lot of the stuff I got from Daddy's place just after he died. Those will be half-a-basket-per-night baskets, with plenty of breaks for tea and cookies.


Tanya said…
Good for you Hope (and family)!

Way to go ! Wanna do mine next ? Just kidding!!

Can I borrow 20.00 ? LOL!!
alphonsedamoose said…
Those will be the hardest baskets to do. Make sure your loved ones are there to support you.
Ang said…
You go girl!
Babzy said…
I'm assuming your baskets are not blue. Blue laundry baskets have this weird magnetic vortex that won't allow a person to remove anything.
Lynda said…
Good job, Hope! Good luck with the next set of boxes.
Good Job Hope and family!

I agree that the next couple of baskets will take a while. Take your time, have all the tea and cookies you require, and keep the Kleenex handy.


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.