the baby I'm a-waitin' fer!
By now I've probably mentioned (several times, over and over, in person, on the blog, over the phone and maybe even in emails) the homebirth about a bazillion times. I was honoured to be asked to be present. Jen has, over the past two years, adopted me into the Mamapalooza I speak so fondly of. Without Jen, there would be 12 special children I would never have met, 24 amazing and loving parents I'd never have gotten to know, several of their beautiful extended family members who latched on to me, a book that never would have happened, and a whole round of sweeter-than-life newborn babies I might never have known about. (11 of the 12 I've met have either recently had Baby #2, or will have Baby #2 before summer arrives, and I am in baby HEAVEN!)
It is my great pleasure and honour to share with you this maternity album, a very emotional one for me because it means so much. Thank you, Jen and Jody, for your warm friendship, kindness, and especially for letting me love and play dress-up on your Wren. I can hardly wait to meet your next creation.
It is my great pleasure and honour to share with you this maternity album, a very emotional one for me because it means so much. Thank you, Jen and Jody, for your warm friendship, kindness, and especially for letting me love and play dress-up on your Wren. I can hardly wait to meet your next creation.
(Btw, why isn't Jody barefooted if his wife is?? lol)
What wonderful sessions you have posted. I am glad that you got to be a part of the Mamapalooza group Hope. As our lead photographer, you have managed to capture many special moments and have helped us create many more with your photo sessions. Thanks for making yourself available to us all and capturing our kids energy the way we love to see them.
I hope Jen has a wonderful birth. All the best to her.
I can't wait to see you at the birth!