Salami Fighting Association

...and you thought the unicorns were weird. This was what my husband had to share with me yesterday. I swear I'm surrounded by loonies.


Tanya said…
Oh my goodness!! I don't whether to laugh or be disturbed. *giggle*
ticblog said…
I was kinda really just mostly grossed out by all that raw pork on the couch, the floor, etc., BUT the part where they are doing 'figures' in the mirror made me bust out laughing - you gotta check out the skinny guy's poochy belly HAHA!!! lol... And I like how towards the end of the vid, they had to add a second layer to their duct tape bacon skirts: makes me wonder what they did with all the bacon that fell out. ~urp~
Ok, that is seriously messed up !

I was also concerned with all the raw pork around the house, GROSS ME OUT !!
alphonsedamoose said…
This is WEIRD.Why on earth would anybody put this on Youtube?
Babzy said…
Eeewwwwww. I couldn't watch it because of the raw bacon.
Cathy said…
Anything for fame!!

Did they create the music too??

Weird in FUNNY way! But disturbing in the same breath!

Gonna show Cliff tonight lol


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.