disabled comments
You can all stop worrying - I'm not suicidal lol. I disabled comments on the bulimia posts for a reason. Quite simply, it's not something open to discussion at this point. The first step in the healing process is always admitting there is a problem. I'm about 5 months overdue for getting this out in he open. No more hiding. I will post my progress, as I realize there may be others struggling with similar issues who might find the chronicle helpful, but I'm not really in a headspace that allows me to discuss it with people who aren't in my shoes. I am very defensive about it right now and don't want to say anything hurtful in response to a well-meaning comment. It's pretty ugly in my head and I respect my friends too much to drag them into my nasty dialogue because right now all of the good intentions you may direct at me sound patronizing and insincere. Even though I am acutely aware on a conscious level that whatever people may have to say is said with the purest of hearts, I am not able to respond in an appropriate manner. This is the nature of he disease. 21 years invested in it - just take my word for it. My rebellious angry politically incorrect self-preserving subconscious kicks in and I can type and hit 'post' pretty fast... lethal combination... so please just let me have this one out on my own for a few weeks. I promise when I'm ready to discuss it, I will. If you wish to say something or share something of your own, my email is h dot walls at shaw dot ca.