Exercise 2 - still life

Task 4

Choose any 5 objects; try and choose objects that work well together, and of varying size, shape, and texture - a vase, an apple, a hairbrush, a picture frame, a feather, some beads, etc.    Set up wherever you think you'll get the best lighting from. Mark a spot on the floor (a piece of masking tape,  specific floor tile, whatever) where you will shoot the next 5 images from.  Arrange the objects into some sort of still life.  Take as many pictures as you need on whatever settings you like until you have an image you are satisfied with the DOF and lighting, as long as you stay in that SAME SPOT.  Rearrange the SAME objects into another still life.  Again, shooting from the SAME SPOT, take as many pictures as you need until you have one you think you like.  Repeat.  Repeat.  Repeat.  When you are done, you should have 5 images of the same objects in 5 different arrangements.

Task 5

Choose your favourite arrangement from Task 4, and set it up again.  This time, you will be taking 5 pictures from any position you like - above, behind, beside, under, up high, down low, close up, far away.  Keep shooting on whatever settings you like until you have 5 pictures of the same arrangement that are as different from one another as possible.

Upload your 10 images from tasks 4 and 5 to an album so I can see them!  I will post a sample set tomorrow or Wednesday.

Happy shooting!


Hope Walls said…
lareina - make crying teething baby part of your still life! baby, gripe water, frozen washcloth, teething ring, and, of course - your bottle of vodka ~smirk~


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.