mein seestor speaks on the topic of John Acorn

He mailed the autographed lyrics of the following to me in 1997 or 98 after I met him when he was a banquet speaker for the Prairie University Biological Seminar annual conference that was held at the U of Alberta that year.

(melody was twangy country folk-esque. You could two-step to it - with enough beers in your belly. Lyrics are typed verbatim)

Love is a Creeping Mahonia

I could be your Tall Lungwort baby
And you could be my faithful Blue-eyed Grass
Love is Pearly Everlasting, a Creeping Mahonia
The plain and Yellow Toadflax says that we were meant to last

Our love is like a warm Wooly Fleabane
But you don't be a False Asphodel
Just use your Common Skullcap, don't Henbane or Pucoon
I'm tired of playing Hound's Tongue, howling at the moon


The Strawberry Blight is a Viper's Bugloss
So Touch-Me-Not you Stinkweed Bladder-pod
I can't stand the Agrimony, it makes me want to Milk Vetch
Like Nodding Beggar's Ticks I turn my head down to the sod

Maybe I'm a Heart-leaved Alexander
There's no Contorted Lousewort left in me,
Oh please Flixweed, I'm crying in my Ragwort
I'll bounce back like a Stemless Rubberweed


So when love gives you the Clammy Hedge Hyssops
An Earlly Yellow Loco Weed you'll be
False Gromwells might be Yucca, but with you I'll soon be stuck-a
I'm jolted by Skunk Currant when you are next to me


[Signed: To Danna, Botanophilically, John A]

I have it framed. I'm not really a packrat -- all my "sentimental stuff" fits in two plastic crates. However, this is one of the items I move with me faithfully. It's pretty darn special to a dork like me. My favourite line is "I can't stand the Agrimony, it makes me want to Milk Vetch". Every time I see vetch in the field I think of that stupid line and I smirk. By the way I've seen most of the species mentioned :) It's okay if I accumulated a few more dork points just now.


~Laura said…
You totally get more points. That was like a tongue twister for me, and I read slower than a grade two would. I imagine it's heartwarming poetry to you two though. :)
alphonsedamoose said…
Did he really say stink-weed bladder pod? LOL
ticblog said…
Yes, Alphonse... yes he did... lol. Aren't geeks fun?


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.