This autumn has been brutal for me. The extended season brought with it a multitude of extra clients able to get leafy pictures, leaving me scrambling to find time for my family, my housework, my friends, and my regular events like the Holiday Photobooth... ~sigh~ Add on the network meeting, start of school, a bunch of trips to the eye doctor for me and my middle child, a few birthdays (husband, sister, goddaughter, stepmom...), visiting sick kids in the hospital (enough already!) and switching over the computer systems and I tell ya - I am fit to be tied.
Ever notice how when life gets busy, the first thing that slips is the housework? Maybe not for everyone, but for me, I know that when there is very little time to spread around, the housework is the first thing to get ignored - the plants get watered a little less often, dust collects on my piano, the switch plate covers develop visible finger smudges. And the laundry gets ignored. With a family of 6, that is a LOT of laundry to ignore. So I took Friday off work to catch up. Between batch-processing a bunch of colour corrections (ALWAYS calibrate your screens - BOTH of them) and nursing a stomach bug that is still giving me intermittent upper-abdominal cramps, and since I am owed a few days from all the overtime I socked into the network meeting, I spent the day re-burning CDs, mailing out client prints (I'm SO sorry they are so late coming everyone!), plotting my diabolical takeover of the world, and washing virtual mountains of laundry.
I am ---> this <--- close to getting all the kinks ironed out of the computer transfer. I have only 2 clients waiting for online proofs. I have a stacks and stacks of Holiday Photobooth cards sitting here to be picked up. I have the Powerpoint presentations for the first two DLS workshops ready. And today, I will be doing my *own* family's annual Christmas picture. Equilibrium isn't completely restored - my 2006 taxes still need to be filed - but we're getting closer.
There is only one load of laundry left to be washed. And at the rate I am going, I might actually be able to go to bed at the same time as my husband tonight. Life. Is. Good.
I really want you to take some time off....of course after we get our Christmas Photo that is!!!!!!! teeeheee We should get together sometime for some holiday "cheer" too!!!!
Hurry up and have that baby already.
I don't mind living the life of another for awhile. Especially if I were to have such fantastic art on my walls. Besides, she's much closer to her due date than I. lol.
Other Heather drops one any day now. You on the other hand need to bake a bit longer, so I am rescinding the comment about hurrying up and having that baby... Besides, we haven't gotten any maternity shots done yet... ~smirk~
I wish my other identity much health and best wishes for her upcoming delivery.
I wish for you.... a good night's sleep and maybe an assistant who's a smidge taller and doesn't want to spread the laundry all over the floor first. lol.