the new January - update #1

Cut back on refined sugars - this has been going well enough that I am fitting my butt back into my windproof cycling jacket. I'm impatient and taking it up a notch this week, though - Serejane is going to outgrow the dress she fits into before I shrink into the one I want to wear when we get a family picture done...

Have a cup of tea every day - I've been doing really well with this, except on the weekends. I like peppermint tea with 2 sweeteners. I used to love hibiscus and rosehip, but it's lost it s lustre for me. I'm on the hunt for a new fruity favourite - any suggestions?

Leave my office during lunch hour - I'm doing exceptionally well with this. I'm enjoying meandering.

Reduce my personal pollution of the environment by at least 10% - this isn't going well at all. I'm trying a different tactic next week, called, "Avoid Unpleasantness."

Only work as a picture takin' maniac one weekend out of each month - damn the beautiful autumn leaves and mild weather, this is going much much worse - I'm up to 4 or 5 clients, 2 weekends a month. My children miss me and I miss them. My husband hates me staying up till the wee hours processing. I'm really hoping that certain people hurry up already and will start taking on some clients for me. You know who you are.


fmartell2 said…
Good for you!!
I have started my yoga classes last week!
Going to see my Dr this week!

And haven't been managing to stay on top of the housework

I guess 2/3 isn't bad!
Catmoves said…
Hi tic. Thought I'd show you what I got when I clicked your name at moose's site: "Profile Not Available

The Blogger Profile you requested cannot be displayed. Many Blogger users have not yet elected to publicly share their Profile.

If you're a Blogger user, we encourage you to enable access to your Profile."

Have you thought about having a studio do your photo processing? It would save some time for you.
ticblog said…
I'm a little too anal to allow someone else to edit my pictures. It's all about the creative process for me and that includes the cropping, tweaking, and twiddling after the fact. Not to mention the fact they'd want to get paid for it... and I don't charge enough to start paying someone else out of my measly fee

I don't have my profile enabled - I'm not a publicly listed blog.
Babzy said…
If you're not a publicly listed blog how come we can get into it?

And what does avoiding unpleasantries have to do with personal pollution?

I never used to be this dumb but I have brain fog.
alphonsedamoose said…
Ticblog: Do you want me to remove you from "my Favorites" ? I didn't know you weren't listed. Sorry about that.
Tanya said…
Good for you for taking some time for yourself. Umm since your cutting back on photo's should I book for November now? I know the drama queen would LOVE to pose for you again.
ticblog said…
Absolutely not, Moose. I'm perfectly tickled to be on your list of favourites~
ticblog said…
And Tanya - I'll be doing a photobooth again for Christmas pictures - I just need to get the theme figured out before I start booking people in!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.