something to do this weekend
My dear old (and I mean OLD ~snicker snicker~) friend Netti Spaghetti is performing at the Arts Alive! Kaleido Festival this weekend. What better way to spend the weekend than soaking in one of the city's last warm-weather festivals?
I was never scared when I lived there, mostly because I knew all my neighbours. There were block parties, meetings, events... you'd walk down the street in any direction for blocks and blocks and knew at least a couple of people on every street. We know a lot of our neighbours in my new 'hood, but I still miss the feeling of community there was over in Alberta Avenue.
That was the ONLY time I was ever bothered by anyone in the entire 5 years we lived there, though sometimes I'd harrass the prostitutes and tell them to get off my corner since I paid property tax. They never gave me any hassle - they were OK with moving on.