
In all my haste to get out the door this morning, I neglected to throw my black slacks & shirt into my bag. That being the case, I am at work wearing my ugly grey capri yoga sweat pants and tank.

If I could crawl under a rock and die, I would.




fmartell2 said…
Borrow a sweater from a co-worker, and make a point of not leaving your desk today!
ticblog said…
I already got coffee delivered (very sweetly) to my office (thanks Sal!) and have my fleece (tailored) zipped up to my neck over the hot-pink piping'd grey cotton-lycra nightmare of a tank top. I have a pashmina I got as a gift from one of our students draped over my lap, and should i need to get up and leave my desk at all today, I will be tying my hoodie around my butt.

Did I mention the sweats and tank are a smidge too big and so I have to keep hiking the pants up and pulling the bottom of the tank down over them to keep them from falling right off, and then my boobs hang out the tank? They're fine for riding my bike in the mornings, but walking... whole other story there. Did I mention that? I thought I'd better mention that part, so y'all can understand my agony...

In the great words of McDonlad's:

"I'm lovin' it."
fmartell2 said…
I am thinking that today should be a, Go Home Early, day!
ticblog said…
I should just call my boss, "Yeah - I've got sweats - I need to go home..."

He'd think I have a fever lol
Carol Kerfoot said…
It puts a whole new meaning on "casual" friday. Can we have a picture please? LOL
ticblog said…
Yes. I'm casually mortified. When I am whizzing along on the bike, I'm nothing more than a grey-pink blur. (albeit it a squeaky blur today - I need to put some lube on my rear derailleur)

I'd confuse the hell out of my co-workers if I were to start sprinting everywhere... lol
alphonsedamoose said…
Pictures PLEASE!
ticblog said…
Of me wearing grey sweats with my boobs hanging out? LOL

No way, man. Humble as I am, even I have more pride than *that*...


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.