been shootin' off at the camera

Some random photos to share, just because.

sneaker, forgotten, of the sparkly ilk

trail, sparkly, of snail ilk

shadow, lawnchair, of tungsten-lit ilk

foot, grabbed, of baboon ilk

warthog, sunbathing, of the ugly ilk

Bill, photographing, of the hot hubby ilk


cap, rusted, of beer ilk

Some random photos to share, just because.


~L said…
I told you not to spin your foot and twirl the 6's in the air.

nice shots, great DOF in them.
ticblog said…
Note the nubbin on that shutter release. That's all Bill.. lol
Babzy said…
Your husband is sexy. May I have him?
ticblog said…
Babzy: No.
Tasha said…
and thank you for sharing... needed to see those today... :)


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.