Potty training woes? Your child is eating his shirts? You don't know where all these little people came from? Firestarter in the home? Let's figure it out!
Anonymous said…
I'm in the midst of a mid-life crisis and my sister is being a beeyotch. She try's to tell me how to run my life and she won't let me live my own life. She thinks she can come to my house and kick my own friends out.
Hope Walls said…
Dear Anonymous. I'm curious how old you are to be having a mid-life crisis, and how old your sister is to be bossing you around still. I want to know that, and the reason she gave you for kicking your friends out of your own house before I answer your question.
Hope Walls said…
Oh, and there is no apostrophe in the word 'tries.'
Anonymous said…
I'm 32 and my sister is 35. I am renting her basement suite since I left my husband.
Hope Walls said…
You still didn't answer what reason your sister gave for kicking your friends out. And while we're at it, why did you leave your husband? (Just curious...)
Hope Walls said…
And why are you posting this in the 'children's' section?
I think I scared 'anonymous' off. Asking too many pertinent questions, I suppose. I'll hazard a guess she was entertaining the 14 year old boyfriend she left her husband for (that's why it's posted under 'children' you see lol) and all his underaged friends were playing Crazy Frog Dance Revolution and doing tequila shots off her breasts at 3 a.m. and keeping her sister's baby awake. Helluva midl-life crisis.
Just a guess. Care to jump in here, anonymous? Please feel free to correct or clarify...
Hope Walls said…
On a serious note, actually, there's a simple answer to this. If you are living in your sister's suite, there are a couple of ground rules you should be following regardless of your mid-life crisis. If you are paying rent, she is your landlord, and has the right to restrict the terms of your tenancy however she wishes. As a tenant, you are responsible for abiding by the terms she has set. She *should not* be entering your suite to kick your friends out without warrant.
However, if you are staying there for free, all bets are off, and frankly, your sister can do whatever the heck she likes while you're sponging off her. If you don't like it, pay up, or get out.
(And see a psychiatrist about that 14 year old boy you're making out with. That's just wrong. lol)
TOTALLY scared anonymous off. Sorry, Anonymous. Not real good at buying into people's BS here. By all means, feel free to let us know what happens next.
Why does my daughter poo so much? Seriously, I am concerned. She goes, and goes and goes. And she has a constant rash that I cannot cure. HELP!!!
Hope Walls said…
Here's the dirty little secret: You feed her too much. Less food consumption will reduce the amount of poo AND go a long ways towards curing that rash situation. Cheers!
Hey you know what! It is working! Rash is almost gone. I think my dd was getting extra feeds at the g-parents. Thus the extra food, and the extra consumption!
Just a guess. Care to jump in here, anonymous? Please feel free to correct or clarify...
However, if you are staying there for free, all bets are off, and frankly, your sister can do whatever the heck she likes while you're sponging off her. If you don't like it, pay up, or get out.
(And see a psychiatrist about that 14 year old boy you're making out with. That's just wrong. lol)
xo Thanks!!!