an exercise in determining perspective: airheads

There was a little twit in front of me at Timmy Ho's this morning, whining about the 6 year old boy who was bouncing his ball at 6 am this morning. Apparently she took it upon herself to go complain to the boy's mother, quoting, "I told her this isn't her "house" (making little ditto marks in the air and rolling her eyes in an exasperated sort of way) and that she's not the only one living here and paying her rent. She tried telling me she wasn't awake yet, and I told her next time to just take the ball away from him at bedtime - DUH. I mean, who leaves their kid unsupervised anyways?" (I paraphased - I couldn't write in all the 'like' and 'you know' without sounding at least as illiterate as her.)

Do I wish a dozen or no children on her?



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