
I've probably mentioned Wren a few times now. I suppose it's time for you to meet her. I first met her when she was just 3 months old, a wisp of a thing with crazy red hair and big blue eyes.

Wren was the first of a series of babies in a Spruce Grove/Stony Plain Mommies Group (SPSPMG) that I have had the pleasure of photographing as they grow over the past year.

Now. I have a confession to make. I have a bit of a crush on Wren. By the time I got finished taking 6-months pictures of her in the hat Momma knit, I was completely smitten. She hangs in the balance between rule-breaker and heart-breaker, and though she seems innocent enough, look in those big blue eyes and it's plain to see she's got some palpable desire to be mischievious.

I've heard tell she likes to beat on her little friend Sophie, and that she owes Brenna's Mommy & Daddy a new set of coasters. "She really likes cork..." says Momma to Wren.

Folks who know Wren say she's an old soul. I agree, and that's why Wren was my inspiration to try out some vintage-style pictures, the kind you'd see on your grandparents' mantle or hanging in their living room in big bubbly frames or stuck into an ancient dog-eared album using those little adhesive black corners.

Wren was standing last time I visited. Apparently, she's up and running now. I'll be visiting for her 1-year photos in a couple of weeks. ~smirk~ Let the games begin...



Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.