sweet dolly needs a name

OK - seriously - I realize she's dirty and bald, but she is a very pretty doll. Her face is beautiful, and I think the reason I love her exactly the way she is, is because she reminds me of the dollies we played with on the farm. They were always naked, we gave them baths in mud puddles, and tied them to the dog's back to go for rides. She looks like she was a very well-loved baby before I found her - only a treasured doll that endured a tonne of love and playtime would have missing eyelashes and hair, and be naked. I'm truly sorry if anyone finds her creepy, but I am absolutely in love with her.

I think she needs a very pretty name. Sasha has been suggested, and I'm seriously considering, unless another name jumps out at me for some reason. Anyone care to make a suggestion?



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