Week 7 DLS exercises: following the rules

Alright. So you've (sort of) mastered the art of understanding light. The next step is to start making creative decisions about how you are going to compose your image, remembering the elements we discussed in class. This week the focus will be on bringing together proper exposure with carefully chosen DOF, of a very well put together image. Here is your exercise:

#1) gather any 3 objects of same or similar shape.
#2) find one object of a contrasting shape and colour.
#3) set this up on a background of differing texture, any colour.
#4) select a spot that gives you some really fun lighting challenges.
#5) incorporate as many other elements of composition as you can - s-curves, the power of 3, triangles, mountains and valleys, reflections, etc.

Examples might be - 3 eggs framed in a square red satin ribbon on a plush green pillow that is backlit; or 3 red rose petals and a white daisy on a shiny surface that is side-lit.



Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.