meLOVE: ¡hola, amigo!

My Spanish class ROCKED. Besides being taught how to speak 'p' without puffing air and making 't' an interdental sound, I learned how to say some really important things like:

No come las colas peludas de perritos. (don't eat hairy puppy tails)
¡Chico malo, dame los cocos! (Bad boy, give me the coconuts!)
Yo dudo que la mula es en la cama de mi papá con una pala. (I doubt the mule is in my father's bed with a shovel.)

Next up, learning how to make those fancy accent thingers on the keyboard so I look authentic when I tell you to the little bald duck is in my suitcase. (El patito pelado es en mi maleta.)

Me llamo Esperanza, y amo español!


cathy said…
Good for you Hope!!


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.