Can of worms: Michael Jackson dies

Will the world mourn the loss of a great artist who rocked the world with his ingenuity or be grateful this sad sick little man is at last out of his misery?

I'm totally on the fence about this one.  I think I feel more sorry for him than anything, but the disgust over how things were handled regarding his "alleged" pedophaelia rings too loud for me to really feel completely sorry for the guy.  I think he got off scot-free because of his fame, but in the same token his contributions to the musical community are enormous.  The man was an icon, lost in his own little Neverland world.  What do YOU think?


Laura Jane said…
First off I am shocked! Not to be crewed, but I thought he'd never die... from his robotic moves to his seemingly embalmed and preserved surgeries, I was sure he would out live me. Yes, he was clearly ill.

I don't know the truth of his did's or did-not's. His dying doesn't change the truth. It does, however, prevent him from doing anything of that nature again if that's the case, which then I guess is prevention (and good). No, there really is no justice for something as sick as pedophilia. I don't celebrate death (as a means of justice), death just is.

He is definitely someone to remember in light of music and pop-culture history- and that's something I can respect.
Carol Kerfoot said…
If the man couldnt sing a tune we would have morally hung him long ago.
He was an icon but also a very sick man that preyed on innocence.

I feel sorry for Farrah...her last shebang and Michael had to haul off and die on the same day.

A musical genius just the same but I'm not taking the time to mourn his death. He made his mark in more ways than one.
Tanya said…
Laura Jane put it perfectly.
Deanna said…
I'm not too sure how I feel about this. Its said that he died, but at the same time.... ugh I dunno!!

Well said, Laura!!


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