a step back in time

On the way to, and from, my Dad's and now my Gramma's funeral, we drove past the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village. We've often talked about going but just never made a point of going, until the day after m Gramma's funeral. With gas prices being so atrocious, we've made a decision to have an Alberta-bound summer and explore all those local attractions we seemed to miss being locals, and the UCHV was Stop #1.

If you're looking for a fantastic little adventure, for $20 a carload you can take a step back in time to when the first Ukrainian settlers began living in Alberta. If you can swing it, tag along on one of the (free!) guided tours - they'll fill you in on all sorts of interesting tidbits about how life was for the Ukrainian setters. Beware, though - the interpreters are pretty hard core and will ask YOU questions about your clicky box, tease you about your fake money when you try and buy 7-cent strawberry pop, and if the opportunity arises, will put you to work...

Writing on slate with soapstone.

The main cookstove in the ultra-modern hotel.

I love tractors almost (but not quite) as much as trains.

General store.  I could shop there.

I can't remember what function this nifty little piece of equipment had.  I think it was for grading grains.

See more here, and read the captions for some interesting trivia!


fmartell2 said…
I vividly remember going there in grade 6. Most of those pictures brought back some great memories... THANK YOU!
Lisa said…
I've never been, but want to. It looks like a wonderful place.
The Mommy said…
I absolutely love that place. These are fantastic pics! I had to take a picture of those clocks in the general store, too. :)I really wanted to buy them, but that was a no go. We went last year and the best part for me was ending up spending about an hour talking to a farm wife in her home about all the town gossip while she cleaned beans for supper. Such an immersive experience.
ticblog said…
I know! I was SO totally impressed by how fully they immerse themselves in the roles. We were privy to a husband and wife spat over who had more responsibilities in the house lol. For $20, it was above and beyond!!!! Wanna make a date to go again?
alphonsedamoose said…
The Ukrainian village is a terrific place. My wife and I try to go at least once a year. The eggs in the gift shop are terrific and we have a couple of them here at home


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.