myLOVE: an interview with Madisyn

A great meme, lifted from Facebook.

Copy this note, ask your child the questions and write them down exactly how they respond. Tag me back if you have done this, I'd love to hear the answers.

Interview with Madisyn, 8

1. What is something Hope always says to you? do your homework

2. What makes Hope happy? something that's funny

3. What makes Hope sad? when Kaelan doens't do his homework

4. How does Hope make you laugh? tickling me

5. What was Hope like as a child? I have no idea

6. How old is Hope? 35

7. How tall is your mom? I have no idea

8. What is her favorite thing to do? take pictures

9. What does Hope do when you're not around? go to work and do homework

10. If Hope becomes famous, what will it be for? pictures

11. What is Hope really good at? pictures

12. What isHope not very good at? making pancakes

13. What does Hope do for her job? take pictures

14. What's Hope's favorite food? I don't know

15. What makes you proud of Hope? you're my (step) mom

16. If Hope was a cartoon character, who would she be? Kim Possible

17. What do you and Hope do together? gymnastics

18. How are you and Hope the same? we both like Daddy

19. How are you and Hope different? you wear more bigger clothes than me

20. How do you know Hope loves you? that you love me? ~giggling~

21. Where is Hope's favorite place to go? take pictures

(OK - so we've established that I can't make pancakes. There are worse things to suck at doing.)


kate said…
I think you've also established that you take pictures... pictures... take pictures... take pictures...
Princesstefer said…
I did these interviews with my kids too, but I haven't posted them yet. Not sure if I'm being selfish in keeping them for myself or if I'm being wisely cautious.

Your interviews were great! :) I think it's pretty safe to say that you're into photography and chocolate. lol My kids' answers revealed my love of potatoes and the internet. :/
These are so great Hope. I love Kaelan's answer to #20! HAHA
Hope Walls said…
Yes, Sherry - his answer to #20 is pretty accurate. Even when I'm ready to sell him to the gypsies, he knows I love him. At least I got THAT part of parenting down pat lol.

I was pretty sad at Serejane's answer to what Mom is good at and what we do together. I know she's 4 but her answers stung a bit - something I must fix. I don't want her thinking of me as the daycare bus who's good at working. ~shudders~


Unless otherwise noted, writing and watermarked images on this blog are copyrighted to Hope Walls.